Local Businesses


Organic everything, great service and small local business we all should support. Why go all the way to Whole Paycheck or Traitor Joe’s when New Leaf is right here on Loyola, just east of Lakewood?


Natural pet food and other stuff pet related.



A nice restaurant just across the street-but they close way earlier than we do, so after your meal with organic everything, come over to Cunneen’s for a nightcap.


AAA Targeted Writing and Coaching Services

Cunneen’s regular Clay Cerny runs this professional resume writing and career coaching service. He’s done great work helping people figure out what paths to pursue in their careers, how to best describe what work you’ve done and can do, and getting that resume just right. He also has a great blog, Career Calling where he links to interesting news stories about the world of business and job searches, and a weekly feature (Sabbath) on deeper things. Worth reading even if you’ve got steady work.







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